31 July 2011

Center Of The Heart Not Earth .

Tuhan beri kita akal kerna Dia suruh kita untuk menilai dan berfikir. And now, I don't except to win every time in this world, everyone has had their fair share of good and bad, ups and downs but sometimes i can't help but feel like some of us have it worse than others. Every time, someone complains about the things they have to go through, someone else would say that it's nothing compared to his or her problems. And that we know nothing about how hard life is until we face what they have to. But really, i think everyone has their own problems but they are still considered as the hardships of life, more or less. You don't get to judge. Ini semua tentang life, soal hidup seseorang. You don't get to say I'm weak just cause i sigh over some very minor things cause these little dilemmas i have to face soon.

And i know times are hard. Masa itu Tuhan yang ciptakan. Di setiap masa itu, Tuhan isikan dengan pelbagai ujian. Dan kita, kita yang jalaninya. Mengangkat kepala ke atas langit aku melihat senyum Tuhan di antara beribu kepak sayap-sayap malaikat menyentuh bulu mataku. Tuhan bangunkan aku dari mimpi, Tuhan beri aku satu kekuatan untuk aku berdiri tegak di atas satu paksi. Tuhan jangan tinggalkan aku kerna aku tidak bisa jalani ini semua jika tiada petunjuk dari-Mu. I know sometimes i just feel like giving up and let it all flow down the drain. I know it may seem like we jumped into something without thinking straight. Kerna itu, aku mahu selalu Tuhan setia disisi aku supaya aku tidak alpa akan sesuatu, akan betapa pentingnya sebuah kehidupan. Dan kerna itu juga, aku tidak mahu jatuh tersungkur atas hal-hal yang sudah punya solusinya sendiri, tuhan beri kita akal, jadi kita pergunakan sebaik mungkin.

For now, I must say I do not mind living this life I'm blessed with. I've got pretty much everything i could ask for and i must again point out how this wouldn't happen if it wasn't for God. Terima kasih tuhan berikan aku kehidupan.

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